
Design a disposable cup for tea and coffee.


Mir Upakovki – one of the largest suppliers of disposable tableware serving the leading manufacturers of retail and HoReCa segment, appealed to our agency to develop a design concept for disposable paper cups for hot drinks.


The analysis showed that the sphere of consumption of beverages in this container is more “street” (or “take-away”), although the percentage of establishments using un-branded glasses is also large and it cannot be ignored. The concept is called the “City” and is a seamless linear illustration of the city, containing various sights. The visual differentiation of glasses by volume is due to the background color: light colors for small volumes, thick and rich coffee color – for large ones. Later, the concept will be developed in a series of cities, but our native Vladivostok became the first.

The image of the hometown attracts attention and arouses interest among residents, and the game “learn sight”, played by many people who first saw these glasses, strengthens the emotional connection between the customer and the supplier (establishment). Another image of a certain Russian city made it possible to bypass a large number of small suppliers of disposable tableware from China, offering all sorts of, but at the same time, patterned Chinese design of packaging and glasses in particular. The versatility of this concept makes it possible to use a glass for any kind of beverage, from coffee to a milkshake and mulled wine. And serve them both “takeaway” and inside the institution.

Разработка дизайна стаканов


In developing the illustration, we specifically left the exact geographical image of the city, because the task was not to mark the city map on a glass, but to show its mood and features. Of the sights of Vladivostok, on the glass were: Golden Bridge, a circus, a funicular, Tokarevsky lighthouse, a bridge to the Russian island, our hills and many other places familiar to all residents of the city.


Разработка дизайна стаканов
Мост через бухту Золотой Рог
Маяк Токаревский
Подводная лодка С-56
Арка молодоженов
Владивостокский государственный цирк
Мост через бухту Золотой Рог
Артиллерийское орудие с эсминца “Войков”
Владивостокский фуникулёр
Сопка Орлиное Гнездо
Памятник Кириллу и Мефодию
Корпус Дальневосточного государственного технического университета
Мост через пролив Босфор Восточный
Администрация Приморского края
Дизайн стаканов Владивосток


Holder was designed not only as an addition to the glasses “City”, he had to be combined with other glasses from the range of the World of Packaging. Given this, the holder is made as versatile as possible: a craft cardboard familiar to all, and an illustration in which the bridge across the Golden Horn Bay was laid.

Дизайн стаканов Владивосток
Дизайн одноразовых стаканов Город
Дизайн одноразовых стаканов Город


The universality of the concept made it possible to apply it to glasses for cold drinks. Cold, bright colors are used for them. They have become an excellent addition to the main series.

Design process

Процесс разработки дизайна одноразовой посуды
Дизайн одноразовых стаканов